Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hands are the heart's landscape.- Pope John Paul II

I love hands ,
they are the mirror of our soul.
I write my vision about hands and leave some famous statements so we all think about it and start paying attention to the way our hands speak to the world.
The mind has exactly the same power as the hands: not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.- Colin Wilson

Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together.- John Ruskin

The pressure of the hands causes the springs of life to flow.- Tokujiro Namikoshi


Hand in Hand
To share secrets

To share joy

To share suffering
Hands to say I love you

To confort and to warm up
Twisted finger on wedding days

Wisdom hands

Hand in Hand
For a walk
For a Lifetime

For the family

Hands with history

Working hands

Hands that work the land
Hands that save lives
Hands that reach the stars
Hands that hold the fall
Hand that play, that engrave that fight
Hands that write the future
Hands that bring life

Hands of tenderness

Used hands
Magic hands
Warrior hands

Lovely creative hands
Hands of victory
Hands of prayer
Hands on waiting

Hands to rule the world

Hands against racism

Hands of mercy.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. Its great to look at my hands and think

Anonymous said...


I love hands too…and your article is so inspiring that I cannot resist to let here a testimony.

As you well say hands mean also support ,self- expression , and many other meanings .
You say. You talk. You describe.
Well , as everybody knows , talking is easy , that’s the most usual thing we see nowadays unfortunately … but really “offering” HANDS , to build , to rise , to help , to support …it’s VERY rare ( also unfortunately ) , what we see ordinarily, is at most hands together to put down , to point , to discriminate , to do wrongdoing in every aspects .

So when I read your article I immediately thought that I should use my hands to say thank you for yours.
You just don’t “talk” about hands , you , Gil , and kids really make your hands available for so many people and in so many ways , and in the most positive way , that I can only have you as examples and inspiration.
These days , haven’t been so easy as you well now , so many people manipulating others to use their hands on wrongdoing using the irony about ME manipulating others , when in FACT I just live MY life with no need at all to use my hands to “convince” nobody about anything ,it’s not on my needs list I’ve already gone that phase a LONG ago, it’s exactly the opposite , well profiting then about ALL that “power” that “I” have , the only thing I really want to convince you is that make you’re sure that I’m grateful for “being there” with your hands , in goods and bad times.
And for you personality , these things really make all of you stand out from mediocrity.
I’m grateful for your hands , and I believe the world is also too , for having your kind of people too , in it.

B. Regards,