Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tomate Jam

Jams have fallen into the «not trendy» category years ago mainly due to the amount of sugar you need to use, however I keep making them every year and make an happening out of this by involving my children on the event.
This is one of my favorite jams as it really brings me back to my childhood. My mother which is an great cook, made it since ever I remember and I will never forget how fun it was to pick from the back yard all the very red big tomatos and spend the full day around pans and sugars.
Here's how to make it.
1,5 kgs of tomatoes beefsteak
1 kg of white sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
Put a pan with water into boiling.
Dip the tomatoes one by one into the boiling water for 30/40 seconds.
Remove from the hot water and quickly dip them on cold water.
Peel the tomates , cut them in quarters and remove all seeds.
Place all the tomatoes cleaned and cutted into a jam pan ( usually I use a coper pan), add the sugar and the cinnamon sticks.
Put on medium fire for 30/40 minutes withour lid.

Take a tea spoon of the liquid and put in a plate, let it cold and if sticks to your finger , it is ready to turn fire off.

While still warm , place it in proper jam jars and let it 24 hours withour lid.

Close jars and keep them on a cold place. It will be perfect for all the year.

(Optional - you can also make a new version adding 0,5 kgs of apple cut into small pieces)

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